
Latest Documents

  • 9-May-2023


    Funding Civil Society in Partner Countries - Toolkit for Implementing the DAC Recommendation on Enabling Civil Society in Development Co-operation and Humanitarian Assistance

    This toolkit offers practical guidance to adherents to the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC) Recommendation on Enabling Civil Society in Development Co-operation and Humanitarian Assistance. It helps them implement the Recommendation’s provisions pertaining to strengthening local ownership and partner-country civil society as independent development and humanitarian actors.
  • 5-May-2023


    Development co-operation and the provision of global public goods

    This paper looks at the implications for development co-operation of increased spending on global public goods and 'bads'. It explores shifts in the narratives and financing priorities of development co-operation providers over recent decades and puts forward key considerations for them on their future role.
  • 26-April-2023


    Aid at a glance charts

    These ready-made tables and charts provide for snapshot of aid (Official Development Assistance) for all DAC Members as well as recipient countries and territories. Summary reports by regions (Africa, America, Asia, Europe, Oceania) and the world are also available.

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  • 20-April-2023


    Reshaping Decentralised Development Co-operation in Germany

    German federal states and municipalities have engaged in decentralised development co-operation (DDC) since the 1950s. Germany provides over half of total official development assistance (ODA) in the world that is channelled as DDC. However, most of this support remains within German borders. To incentivise further international partnerships, the federal government has established dedicated programmes and financial support schemes for states and municipalities. This report presents key data on the DDC landscape in Germany and offers guidance on how to strengthen its role in enabling peer-to-peer learning and improve collaboration between German states and municipalities. It also showcases how to further raise awareness about the mutual benefits of DDC partnerships, including through better ODA data reporting and a harmonised approach to monitoring and evaluating its results across levels of government.
  • 20-April-2023


    Decentralised development co-operation - A global policy toolkit and guidance for practitioners

    Decentralised development cooperation (DDC), or partnerships for sustainable development between cities and regions in developed and developing countries, can help drive major global agendas forward. Achieving a sustainable, equitable and resilient future requires action from subnational governments in many key SDGs and emerging areas, such as the response to the global health crisis, support for refugees and implementing net-zero pathways. The Global policy toolkit: Guidance for practitioners shows how DDC can promote mutual benefits and peer-to-peer learning, bring development co-operation closer to people and their daily lives, and deliver technical services and expertise. By providing a repository of good practices and guidance on implementation modalities, the toolkit seeks to promote policy dialogue and mutual learning across DDC actors and to enhance DDC effectiveness, efficiency and impact worldwide.
  • 14-April-2023


    A Decade of Development Finance for Biodiversity

    The report provides an overview of development finance with biodiversity-related objectives from a wide range of sources: bilateral Development Assistance Committee (DAC) members, non-DAC and South-South and triangular co-operation providers, multilateral institutions, private finance mobilised by development finance, and private philanthropy. The estimates are based on OECD statistical data. The report identifies the main gaps between biodiversity-related priorities and investments, and provides detailed estimates on financial allocations to the fight against illegal wildlife trade; nature-based solutions; indigenous peoples and local communities; the mainstreaming of biodiversity; gender equality; and climate change. These elements can help DAC members and other stakeholders to step up and target their biodiversity-related investments, notably to implement the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework under the Convention on Biological Diversity.
  • 12-avril-2023


    Essor de l’aide publique au développement sous l’effet des dépenses consacrées aux réfugiés et à l’aide à l’Ukraine

    D’après les données préliminaires recueillies par l’OCDE, l’aide au développement délivrée par les donneurs publics a atteint un niveau sans précédent de 204 milliards USD en 2022 contre 186 milliards USD enregistrés en 2021, les pays développés ayant consacré davantage de dépenses à l’aide à l’Ukraineainsi qu’au traitement et à l’accueil des réfugiés.

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  • 12-April-2023


    Countries and territories most in need

    Because ODA is a scarce resource for financing development, it is important to ensure it reaches the countries and people that need it most.

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  • 6-avril-2023


    L’aide publique au développement (APD)

    Les statistiques de l'OCDE sur l'aide suivent les flux officiels des donateurs du CAD vers les pays en développement. Les données préliminaires publiées chaque année en avril fournissent des informations détaillées sur l'aide humanitaire, l'APD consacrée aux réfugiés dans les pays donateurs et les flux vers l'Afrique et les pays les moins avancés.

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  • 28-mars-2023


    María del Pilar Garrido Gonzalo

    María del Pilar Garrido Gonzalo est Directrice de la coopération et du développement à l'OCDE.

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