
By Date

  • 13-July-2015


    Innovation, Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability in Brazil

    Agriculture and the agro-processing sector in Brazil have shown impressive growth over the past two decades. This has largely been driven by productivity improvements and structural adjustment resulting from broad economic reforms, as well as new technologies developed by agricultural science. Government policy and industry initiatives are increasingly focused on the sustainability of agricultural development.
  • 10-April-2014


    Investing in Youth: Brazil

    This report provides a detailed diagnosis of the youth labour market and education system in Brazil. It takes an international comparative perspective, offering policy options to help improve school-to-work transitions. It also provides an opportunity for other countries to learn from the innovative measures that Brazil has taken to strengthen the skills of youth and their employment outcomes.
  • 10-February-2014


    Retail Trade for OECD countries and major non-member economies

    Retail trade (volume) series are shown as seasonally adjusted indices. For most countries, the volume indices are compiled by national sources. For the remaining countries, the value figures have been deflated by OECD using an appropriate consumer price index. The series are updated continuously.

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  • 16-janvier-2014


    Partager la richesse nationale au Brésil: la distribution des revenus, les politiques sociales et la nouvelle classe moyenne

    Le Brésil a accompli des progrès remarquables en termes de réduction de la pauvreté et des inégalités. Cela tient au dynamisme de la croissance mais aussi à l'efficacité des politiques sociales. En dehors de la croissance, ce sont les services publics et les transferts monétaires qui ont été les facteurs les plus importants, notamment les seconds dans le cadre du programme Bolsa Familia, qui a été couronné de succès.

    Documents connexes
  • 9-décembre-2013


    Production industrielle pour les pays de l'OCDE et les principales économies non membres

    Ces statistiques montrent la production pour l'ensemble des industries, des secteurs manufacturiers, d'acier brut, des biens internédiaires et d'investissement manufacturiers, de l'énergie et de la construction.

    Documents connexes
  • 3-December-2013

    English, PDF, 408kb

    PISA 2012 Results - Brazil

    The Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) is a triennial international survey which aims to evaluate education systems worldwide by testing the skills and knowledge of 15-year-old students. To date, students representing more than 70 economies have participated in the assessment.

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  • 21-October-2013


    Growth in Latin America

    Over the course of the last decade, Latin America has achieved economic expansion and made significant progress in poverty reduction.

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  • 5-July-2013


    Emerging unrest

    Street protests are back on the global political scene. Do these movements reflect a frustrated middle class who feel the chill of the global economic crisis? Or are there more profound shifts at play?

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  • 21-May-2013


    Investing in Youth: Brazil

    This report provides a detailed diagnosis of the youth labour market and education system in Brazil. It takes an international comparative perspective, offering policy options to help improve school-to-work transitions. It also provides an opportunity for other countries to learn from the innovative measures that Brazil has taken to strengthen the skills of youth and their employment outcomes.

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