

  • 15-May-2019


    Strengthening Active Labour Market Policies in Italy

    This report on Italy is the sixth country study published in a series of reports looking into how policies connect people with jobs. It discusses how active labour market policies in Italy are performing both on the national and the regional level, focussing particularly on the reform process in the system of public employment services initiated by the Jobs Act. The ongoing reform has good potential to improve the performance of employment services in Italy, particularly if the stakeholders of the system cooperate to establish a binding performance management framework and develop national IT infrastructure supporting the tasks of the local offices to serve jobseekers and employers. The National Agency for Active Labour Market Policies has a key role in encouraging the cooperation between the stakeholders, leading the development of new tools and methodologies and thus supporting the local employment offices to implement the new service model. Besides the general reform process, the review looks at some specific approaches regarding providing employment services in Italy – using jobseeker profiling tools to target active labour market policies; increasing quality and capacity of employment services by contracting out employment services to private service providers; and reaching out to employers and advancing demand-side services.
  • 2-April-2019


    Working Together for Local Integration of Migrants and Refugees in Rome

    This report focuses on the local level integration of migrants in Rome, and provides information on the national framework for integration in Italy. While the study assumes that local authorities are at the forefront of migrant integration – providing information and essential services, ensuring access to education and the labour market, overcoming the barriers for full inclusion in the host society, and managing conflicts – local authorities are not alone. This report stresses the importance of multi-level governance of migrant integration, highlighting the key role of third sector enterprises, NGOs, business, faith-based organisations and unions. It identifies and shares selected local actions and governance practices to manage the short- and long-term effects of migration flows, and provides an international comparative of practices implemented by other EU cities, highlighting the most effective measures and lessons learned.
  • 11-March-2019


    Adult Learning in Italy - What Role for Training Funds ?

    While Italy has made major progress in the past decade to up-skill its population and workers, further efforts are needed to improve access to good quality adult learning opportunities. Training funds represent one important tool through which Italy could face the pressures brought about by the mega-trends, and equip adults and workers with the skills needed to thrive in the labour market and society. This report analyses how training funds are designed, used, and monitored, and provides actionable policy recommendations to ensure that they are put to their most effective use.
  • 11-April-2018

    English, PDF, 403kb


    This country note presents key policies to promote longer working lives implemented over the past decade in Italy

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  • 2-April-2018


    OECD Skills Strategy Diagnostic Report: Italy 2017

    Italy needs to take prompt action to bolster growth and improve people’s skills across the country. As our economies adapt to globalisation, technological and demographic change, the demand for new and higher levels of skills increases. Yet Italy is struggling more than other advanced economies to meet these changing demands. Italy has launched a number of ambitious reforms to boost growth. But the reforms need to fully implement to ensure that schools, universities and workplaces equip all Italians with the skills needed for success in the economy and society. The OECD Skills Strategy Diagnostic Report makes a number of recommendations that will help sustain this positive momentum including, among others, to: Implement the Alternanza Scuola Lavoro (ASL) by training school principals and teachers to effectively engage employers in the design of work-based learning activities and increase incentives for firms to hire trainees. Expand and improve the quality of professional tertiary education institutions (ITS). Increase overall investment in tertiary education Subsidise training programmes that target low-skilled adults who often face difficulties in accessing such opportunities. Increase public and private investment in skills and improve how they are allocated through monitoring and evaluation. Improve the governance system to ensure that skills polices are aligned and coordinated.
  • 15-December-2017


    Getting Skills Right: Italy

    This report identifies effective strategies to tackle skills imbalances in Italy. It provides an assessment of practices and policies in the following areas: the collection and use of information on skill needs to foster a better alignment of skills acquisitions with labour market needs; the design of education and training systems and their responsiveness to changing skill needs; the re-training of unemployed individuals; and the improvement of skills use and skills matching in the labour market. The assessment is based on country visits, desk research and data analysis conducted by the OECD Secretariat.
  • 6-December-2017


    Getting Skills Right: Good Practice in Adapting to Changing Skill Needs - A Perspective on France, Italy, Spain, South Africa and the United Kingdom

    This report identifies effective strategies to tackle skills imbalances, based on five country-specific policy notes for France, Italy, Spain, South Africa and the United Kingdom. It provides a comparative assessment of practices and policies in the following areas: the collection and use of information on skill needs to foster a better alignment of skills acquisitions with labour market needs; the design of education and training systems and their responsiveness to changing skill needs; the re-training of unemployed individuals; and the improvement of skills use and skills matching in the labour market. The assessment is based on country visits, desk research and data analysis conducted by the OECD secretariat in the five countries reviewed. Examples of good practice from other countries are also discussed.
  • 28-November-2017


    Capacity building seminar: A workforce for the future - Designing strong local strategies for better jobs and skills

    Organised as part of the programme of activities of the OECD LEED Trento Centre and Venice office and LEED Forum, the capacity building seminar on Designing Strong Local Strategies for Better Jobs and Skills will offer an opportunity to learn from the latest OECD research on the key elements of successful local skills and employment strategies.

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  • 30-June-2017


    Enhancing employability and skills to meet labour market needs in Italy

    The various deficiencies of the labour market and the educational system have resulted in high unemployment, low labour force participation, low skills levels and high skill mismatch.

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  • 25-November-2016

    Italian, PDF, 2,464kb

    Dall’“industria culturale” alle “industrie culturali e creative”: Una rassegna storica e concettuale

    Inquadramento teorico dell’evoluzione del ruolo della cultura e della creatività quale fattore di sviluppo economico. Rapporto del progetto ACTORS Italia - Attrattori Culturali per il Turismo e l’Occupazione nelle Regioni del Sud Italia‌ - del Centro OCSE LEED di Trento

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