
Digital government

Good Practice Principles for Data Ethics in the Public Sector


Taking values-based common actions that place human rights at the core of digital government and data policies.


The Good Practice Principles for Data Ethics in the Public Sector support the ethical use of data in digital government projects, products, and services to ensure they are worthy of citizens' trust. 


The document introduces 10 Good Practice Principles for Data Ethics in the Public Sector, including a set of specific actions which can support their implementation:

1. Manage data with integrity

2. Be aware of and observe relevant government-wide arrangements for trustworthy data access, sharing and use

3. Incorporate data ethical considerations into governmental, organisational and public sector decision-making processes 

4. Monitor and retain control over data inputs, in particular those used to inform the development and training of AI systems, and adopt a risk-based approach to the automation of decisions

5. Be specific about the purpose of data use, especially in the case of personal data

6. Define boundaries for data access, sharing and use

7. Be clear, inclusive and open

8. Publish open data and source code

9. Broaden individuals’ and collectives’ control over their data

10. Be accountable and proactive in managing risks


These Good Practice Principles were produced by the OECD Working Party of Senior Digital Government Officials (E-leaders) and are the result of the activities of its Thematic Group on Data-driven Public Sector.  Between 2019 and 2020, the Thematic Group on Data-driven Public Sector was co-led by the OECD Digital Government and Data Unit and the Netherland’s Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations with the participation from OECD member and partner countries. 

For any questions on the Good Practice Principles and the activities of the Thematic Group on Data-driven public sector, please reach to the OECD Secretariat at and


What can countries do to establish the frameworks needed to support an ethical use of data within the public sector?




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