

Mergers: Best Practice Roundtables on Competition Policy


List of all proceedings and webpages of the Best Practice Roundtables on Competition Policy series dealing with Mergers (by alphabetical order).


Agency Decision-Making in Merger Cases: Prohibition and Conditional Clearances (2016)

Algorithmic competition (2023)

Airline Mergers and Alliances (1999)

Integrating Consumer Behaviour Insights in Competition Enforcement (2022)

Big Data: Bringing Competition Policy to the Digital Era (2016)

Common Ownership by Institutional Investors and its Impact on Competition (2017)

Competition in the Circular Economy (2023)

Consumer-Facing Remedies (2018)

Consummated Mergers, Disentangling (2022)

Co-operation between Competition Agencies and Regulators in the Financial Sector: 10 years on from the Financial Crisis (2017)

Cross-Border Merger Control: Challenges for Developing and Emerging Economies (2011)

Data Portability, Interoperability and Competition (2021)

Definition of Transaction for the Purpose of Merger Control Review (2013)

Digital Advertising Markets (2020)

Dynamic Efficiencies in Merger Analysis (2007)

Economic Analysis in Merger Investigations (2020)

Economic Evidence in Merger Analysis (2011)

Economics of Digital Ecosystems (2020)

Efficiency Claims in Mergers and other Horizontal Agreements (1995)

Enhanced Enforcement Co-operation (2014)

Environmental Considerations in Competition Enforcement (2021)

Ex-post assessment of merger remedies (2023)

Failing Firm Defence  (2009) / Failing Firm Defence (1995)

FDI Screening and Merger Control Reviews (2022)

Geographic Market Definition across National Borders (2016)

Gun Jumping and Suspensory Effects of Merger Notifications (2018)

Jurisdictional Nexus in Merger Control Regimes (2016)

How can Competition Contribute to Fairer Societies? (2018)

Impact Evaluation of Merger Decisions (2011)

Innovation and Competition (2023)

Investigations of Consummated and Non-notifiable Mergers (2014)

Market Competition, Methodologies to Measure (2021)

Managing Complex Mergers (2007)

Market Concentration (2018)

Market Definition (2012)

Market Power in the Digital Economy and Competition Policy (2022)

Merger Control in Dynamic Markets (2019-2020)

Mergers in Financial Services (2000)

Media Mergers (2003)

Merger Remedies (2003)

Merger Review in Emerging High in Markets (2002)

Minority Shareholdings and Interlocking Directorates (2008)

Multi-sided Markets: Rethinking the Use of Traditional Antitrust Enforcement Tools (2017)

Non-price Effects of Mergers (2018)

Oligopoly Markets (2015)

Oligopoly (1999)

Out-of-Market Efficiencies in Competition Enforcement (2023)

Portfolio Effects in Conglomerate Mergers (2001)

Potential Competition, The Concept of (2021)

Private Remedies (2006)

Public Interest Considerations in Merger Control (2016)

Regional Competition Agreements: Benefits and Challenges (2018)

Quality Considerations in the Zero-price Economy (2018)

Quality in Competition Analysis (Role and Measurement of)  (2013)

Remedies in Cross-border Merger Cases (2013)

Remedies in Merger Cases (2011)

Safe Harbours and Legal Presumptions in Competition Law (2017)

Serial Acquisitions and Industry Roll-ups (2023)

Standard for Merger Review (2009)

State-owned Entreprises and Competition (2018)

Subsidies and Trade (2022)

Substantive Criteria used for the Assessment of Mergers (2002)

Sustainability and Competition (2020)

Theories of Harm for Digital Mergers (2023)

Vertical Mergers (2007)


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